Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Endor Base in 3D

This past weekend was one of the busiest in recent memory for The Rebel Legion with the release of Star Wars: EPISODE I - The Phantom Menace in 3D.

Photo courtesy of Kay_Dee
Endor Base got the chance to take part in one of the TPM in 3D events organized by Lucasfilm, at the AMC Emeryville Bay Street 16 theater.  In addition to watching the movie and getting pictures with Rebel Legion and 501st costumers, kids (of all ages) were given the chance to demo the new XBox Kinect "Star Wars" video game and build a TPM in 3D poster made entirely of LEGO.  Is there any pressure in trooping at an official Lucasfilm event? Why don't we ask veteran Endor Base member - Anasian Skywalker:

"As far as being an 'official LFL event' - it never gets old!  For several screenings, we were lined up to welcome moviegoers exiting the theater as the LFL cameras interviewed various kids (typically 10 and under) about what they thought of the movie.  It was great just seeing their reaction from an unbiased/adult prequel jaded mind. ;)  It reminded me why I troop in the first place!"

Photo courtesy of Kay_Dee 
Phavorianne (who played Padme at the event) had a great quote on her Facebook that epitomized this experience:

Best moment of The Phantom Menace 3D: Young boy puts on his 3D glasses and walks into the AMC lobby...
"Whoa! This is so cool!"
Boy sees X-wing pilot and Padme wave to him...
"Wow, they look SO real!"
Presumed mother takes the glasses off the boy and tells him to look again...
"Oh. They ARE real!"

"Most of these kids were not even born yet when The Phantom Menace first came out; it reminded me how much nothing beats watching ANY Star Wars movie in a crowded theater!"

Ok, TPM in 3D was a hit with kids!  How did TPM in 3D score with adults?  Kay_Dee has some thoughts on the subject:

"It was a great experience watching the movie in 3D.  I honestly had low expectations as this is my least favorite of all 6 movies - but the detail in 3D looked fantastic!  It did not feel overdone, it was all very subtle and enhanced the movie.  At times I felt like I was riding Star Tours - especially the Naboo underwater scenes.  I must confess that (as a costumer) I found myself eyeing the textures and weaves of all of the costume fabrics which seemed more apparent in 3D!"

"I did get quite a few questions from adults asking if we were from Lucasfilm, and they commented on how professional our costumes were.  Many adults who had come to the theater to see other movies were hoping we'd be back on Sunday or the following weekend so they could bring their kids."

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