Monday, May 6, 2013

May The Fourth be with the Padawans

by: Tiernan

Rebel Scum THIS!!!
For only the third time since I’ve joined the Rebellion, we Great Lakes Base members outnumbered the Great Lakes Garrison 501st by a ratio of 4-to-1.  Commerce Township Community Library celebrated “Star Wars Day” (also known as “May the 4th be with you” Day) by throwing a get together meet and great between Star Wars characters and children along with their parents.

Inside a conference room at the library, the staff had set up a variety of activity stations for visitors.  When it was time to open doors for the event, the Rebels went out to lead the small padawans and their parents into the conference room to begin the day's activities.  After some quick introductions, first task for kids was build their own lightsaber.  The first group of younglings started right away with the help of a Jedi, Endor Trooper and Rebel Fleet Trooper.

As more younglings started gathering and making use of the activities set up for them, we spread out to assist the young ones as they decorated ewoks, tested their skills in the force knocking over pictures of Stormstroopers and using a lightsaber as well as building droids making disguises and building Star Wars LEGO sets.  In between all the fun, we took plenty of pictures with the children and their parents.  Thanks to a Jedi Pilot, an extra light saber was available for the young ones to hold while having their picture taken with Star Wars characters.

photos courtesy n0c001gamertag

At the end of our time at Commerce Township Community Library all the younglings left with smiles on their faces and excited about spending time with us.  It just reminds us all part of the reason why we do what we do.

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