Tuesday, July 8, 2014

It's What We Do

Most fans know the Star Wars universe timeline is centered (literally) on the events in "Episode IV: A New Hope" specifically the “Battle of Yavin” (BBY) when the Death Star was destroyed.  In the case of Great Lakes Base, our timeline for keeping record of events begins around June 3rd, 2006 and the opening weekend of "Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination” touring exhibit at COSI in Columbus, Ohio.  I was there, and for many of us (now veteran) Great Lakes Base members -- this was our first experience with a major Lucasfilm event, as well as welcoming Rebel Legion members from across the country.

Here is a brief “timeline” of history, as it pertains to Great Lakes Base development:

5BBC = Jedi Knights of Cleveland (Fanforce) formed
4BBC = “Attack of the Clones” in theaters
3BBC = JKOC early costuming events with RL and 501st
1BBC = Celebration III and “Revenge of the Sith” in theaters
1BBC = Cincinnati Pops at Blossom
0BBC = Star Wars “Where Science Meets Imagination” at COSI
3ABC = Great Lakes Base formed
5ABC = Inaugural “Star Wars Night” with Detroit Tigers
6ABC = Cleveland Pops concert  (Brian and Paul’s “Duel of the Fates” performance)
7ABC = Toledo Walleye – GLB with the Stanley Cup
8ABC = Great Lakes Base Five Year Anniversary

Eight years later (or 8 ABC) and there have been many historic moments within Great Lakes Base -- too many to list on a simple blog post.  The reason I included The Jedi Knights of Cleveland in this timeline is that I know for a fact, because I was leading most of them, that many our early Rebel Legion/501st costuming events were organized via the JKOC – before the Midwest Base (now Great Lakes Base) website and event medals were even up and running.  It was around the time when Cincinnati Pops performed at Blossom Music Center when most of our local Star Wars costuming events migrated over to Rebel Legion.  I remember the debate among the MWB command staff (back when I was OH Captain) over the merits of awarding online “medals” to people for trooping. While there were good points on both for and against the practice, I’m pleased to see the tradition has survived because IMHO those tiny digital symbols that show up in your profile (whether you have 2-3, or close to 300+ ) represent more then just some form of bragging rights… they represent our HISTORY!

This year also happens to mark the FIVE YEAR ANNIVERSARY of Great Lakes Base!  To help celebrate this milestone, GLB has adopted a special logo to commemorate the event and is planning to hold a special celebration later this year. Keep an eye on the GLB forums for more information.

In researching this blog post, I discovered that marching in the Avon Heritage Duct Tape festival marked this Rebel Pilot/Jedi’s  280th successful “mission” as a member of Rebel Legion!  That’s important when you consider all the miles travelled, charity work donated, friendships and other life experiences that have transpired as a result of being part of the greater timeline that is Great Lakes Base, because, as we say...

“It’s what we do!”

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