Friday, February 1, 2013

Salvation Army - UPDATE

The Salvation Army has reported donation levels increased significantly during the 2012 holiday season, particularly during bell-ringing events where Great Lakes Base and Great Lakes Garrison members were present.

photo courtesy Great Lakes Garrison
 According to Salvation Army, normal donations at specific locations/times average $50.  Whenever Star Wars characters from GLB and GLG were present, donation totals reached over $400.  Obviously, having Chewbacca, Darth Vader, TKs and Rebel Pilots standing alongside Salvation Army’s signature red kettles and ringing bells tends to draw attention – but I wouldn’t dismiss how meaningful it is that Star Wars fans (both costumers and the public) are generous people who want to help their fellow man!

If you follow The Rebel Legion on Facebook, you would have seen Bases across the country volunteered with their local Salvation Army chapters’ “Red Kettle” drives.  Now, try and imagine the impact of the Michigan contingent’s participation – but at a national level?  That is significant and something both Rebel Legion and 501 st should be proud of.

Great job Rebels and Troopers!!!

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